This webinar occurred on Friday 29 May 2020.
Inés Sanguinetti believes students today are all too often educated in the opposite of bonding, making them isolated and constrained by too many prejudices and too little empathy – and the arts can help change this. Through Art, Wellbeing and Creativity, one of the projects developed by Crear Vale la Pena, Sanguinetti and her team are trying to change this situation. Through the project, “social actors” and “creative agents” – typically community artists coming from a variety of different backgrounds including visual arts, dance, music, and even technology – are brought into schools where they help teachers design their classes. The methodology is based on involving arts in the curriculum and encouraging dialogue between artists, teachers, and the community.
The below video and recording feature "Meliquina", an original song from the band, La BAM (La Buenos Aires Multiverso)
Additional Resources:
- Inés Sanguinetti, Fundación Crear Vela La Pena, Argentina

Inés Sanguinetti is the co-founder and president of Fundación Crear Vale la Pena. Artistic Director for the Creative Environments Program (Art and Creativity to improve education and wellbeing) that has reach more than 55,000 people from 8 cities of Argentina and has been recognised as one of Latin America's 13 most pedagogic innovative experiences by the BID, the OEA and the OEI. She is a member of the board of the International Teaching Arts Collaborative (ITAC). Today, her task in Argentina and Latinamerica is to transfer creativity and wellbeing methodologies applied to improve teaching and learning processes for artists, teachers, social workers and businesses.