2023 Creative Arts Education Conference, a two-day virtual event designed to support all teachers responsible for teaching Creative Arts in South African schools. The conference will take place on 28 and 29 July 2023
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The Third Edition of the free MOOC 'Arts, Armed Conflict and Humanitarian Aid' started last week. The MOOC "Arts, Armed Conflict and Humanitarian Aid" offers a 4 weeks training space dedicated to the different professionals of the humanitarian or artistic field concerned by artistic practices in humanitarian emergencies.
Here you will be able to meet professionals with experience in the field, learn with peers, share your experiences and be engaged in a world network of activist art facilitators and art educators. MOOC 'Arts, Armed Conflict and Humanitarian Aid' The future revised UNESCO global Framework aims to capture a broadened understanding of culture – from heritage to the cultural and creative industries – while taking into consideration the fast-evolving landscape of the cultural sector, including digital transformation. Digital and media technologies are ever more intertwined with the daily lives of learners, thus there is a need to both harness the opportunities it brings, but also strengthen the awareness of technology and how to use it responsibly. ![]() For the preparation of the revised UNESCO global Framework for Culture and Arts Education, the Organization is conducting an inclusive and participatory consultation among a variety of stakeholders, including Member States, UNESCO Chairs and partner networks and non-governmental organizations, regional organizations, local governments, cultural institutions, culture and arts education teachers, individual experts, and youth. WAAE is one of the stakeholders. During the WAAE Summit in Madeira , March 2023, WAAE organised 5 open sessions to capture the main concerns and suggestions of arts educators. ![]() In Collaboration with UNESCO WAAE conducted an online survey aiming to seek the views of educators in culture and arts education. It was designed by the World Alliance for Arts Education (WAAE), in consultation with UNESCO. The survey was launched on the 2nd March 2023 at the WAAE World Summit of Arts Education in Madeira, Portugal. The survey form accepts replies until the 15 April 2023. REPLY HERE TO THE SURVEY WAAE delegates will present the results of the survey and open session dialogue in Madeira during the Multistakeholder Dialogue that will be held on 25 and 26 May 2023 at UNESCO Headquarters. The Dialogue will allow for exchanges between a wide range of actors working in culture and arts education to strengthen ministerial buy-in, and shape solid recommendations to feed into the final drafting of the Framework and the World Conference on Culture and Arts Education 2023 to be held in December 2023 in the United Arab Emirates.
This online survey aims to seek the views of educators in culture and arts education. It was designed by the World Alliance for Arts Education (WAAE), in consultation with UNESCO. The survey was launched on the 2nd March 2023 at the WAAE World Summit of Arts Education in Madeira, Portugal. The results of this questionnaire will contribute to the global consultation process to develop a UNESCO Framework for Culture and Arts Education. REPLY HERE TO THE SURVEY This online survey aims to seek the views of educators in culture and arts education. It was designed by the World We would like to inform you that the call has been extended to March 31 for abstract submission and July 31 for full text submission.
We kindly invite you to discuss, from the perspective of your research interests, the culture of peace, not only in situations of conflict and war but also in everyday misunderstandings between individuals as well as in their interactions with the environment or any other related contexts. Contributors will not be asked to pay an article processing charge (APC) for submitted proposals or accepted articles. The issue will be open access and published in the peer-reviewed International Journal for Research in Cultural, Aesthetic, and Arts Education (IJRCAAE) by Waxmann-Verlag. Download here the call for papers Research in Arts Education is an academic journal published by Research in Arts Education Advisory Board. It is evaluated as THCI (Taiwan Humanities Citation Index) Tier 1 journal by Research Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Ministry of Science and Technology. It also wins Knowledge Impact Award in arts disciplines given by National Central Library. The founding of this journal aims to promote the academic atmosphere, research quality, and communication width of arts education. The first issue of the journal was released in May of 2001. As a semi-annual journal, it is published twice a year at the end of May and December.
Call for Papers Arts education is an integrated field. This journal focuses on arts education. To emphasize its interdisciplinary and integrative nature, the journal considers publishing such research reports as in visual arts education, music education, dance education, drama and theatre education, design education, arts administration education, arts technology education, aesthetic education, art history education, and art museum education. Any research article relevant to applied arts education and its development is welcome also. Submission Please log on to the online submission system https://www.ipress.tw/J0089 and complete the submission procedure. Download the latest submission guidelines and writing template here. The Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda, in partnership with IDEA (International Drama / Theatre and Education Association) and the Rostock University of Music and Theatre, Germany is organizing the International Performing Arts Conference “Performing Arts and the University of the 21st
Century: Concepts, Training, and Practice” from March 27th until April 1srt 2023. More information can be found on: www.paf.mak.ac.ug (IDEA Day was celebrated all over the world on the 27th of November. It is the day for the celebration of drama/theatre education, for the promotion and visibility of the field. An online celebration event organized by the IDEA Elected Officers was held, where IDEA members from all continents presented their work and shared how they celebrate IDEA Day. ( drawing by Adriana Nichting) |